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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tropic Thunder

It seems a bit odd for me to start reviewing a movie that isn't that old, but isn't that new either. Also, it's probably a movie you've already seen. But... I guess let's trudge through that mire and hopefully we'll find that LZ we've been searching for on this damn map. Tropic Thunder is a comedy movie directed by Ben Stiller, with Ben Stiller as Benn Stiller. Basically. It has an all star cast of Jack Black, Matthew McConaughey, that dorky dude when they need a dorky dude (Jay Baruchel), Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise. Wait..what? Tom Cruise? More on that in a bit.

The overall storyline is that there are these actors that are making a movie and are quite uptight and by a turn of fate they find themselves embroiled in the 'shit', in Vietnam...or Laos...or somewhere. It doesn't matter. Everyone in the story evolves and changes for the better. Except for the dick. As all comedies are apt to do. So the real question here is... Did You Laugh? Well, yes. But I often make the odd decision to watch comedies by myself, so I didn't laugh as hard as i thought I would. So I can't exactly give this film a standing ovation. I often smiled and grinned. But I gave no hearty guffaws. But... I will say this. The funniest guy here? Tom Cruise. He's not even a comedian. Why isn't he in more comedies. Apparently, he's crazy good at being a Jewish movie producer type. (yeah, pun sorta intended). He stole the show, and not just because his character is supposed to, he's truly the funniest guy in the room. Honestly, just watch the movie cause of him.

Writing a review for a comedy is always a bit strange. Which may be why they often get overlooked. It really just comes down to did you laugh or not. I told you what the best was. If you don't think you'd find Tom Cruise being an asshole funny, don't watch it. Otherwise, yes! Give the movie a chance. See it with someone who loved it. Or with people who will like a Ben Stiller style comedy. You'll grab some miles off of it that way. C+

 - piecar


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